Anyone who’s started a colorful freshwater aquarium has dreamed about adding a school of discus to their tank. These unique…
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The keyhole cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) is a tropical freshwater fish with an interesting keyhole-shaped marking and a gentle personality that…
Just say the word “shark,” and you immediately imagine the sleek, powerful predator. Even reading the title to this article,…
The emerald dwarf rasbora (Microrasbora erythromicron) is a diminutive, brightly colored freshwater fish that hails from a mountain lake in…
What walks without feet, captures prey without eyes, and looks stunning in a reef tank? Sea anemones! These oceanic flowers…
When people think of large-eyed goldfish, it’s the telescope breed they’re referencing. And there’s no more stunning variety than the…
In the southern part of the Lone Star State lives a beauty of a fish with an attitude as big…
The platy is a hardy, warm water fish from Central America that comes in several color variations. It is popular…
Fans of livebearers flock to add fancy guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to their nano aquariums. With over 300 varieties of colors,…
There is a myriad of tetra species that you can choose to keep, but there are few as classy and…