Pearl gouramis top the list for aquarists looking for a hardy, gorgeous, easy to manage gouramis. They tolerate a wide…
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Feeding guppies can be a daunting task. On the one hand, they eat everything you throw at them; on the…
Not every aquarist limits their collections to fish. Some branch out to include crustaceans, mollusks, and even reptiles. If you’ve…
Fans of South American cichlids know and love Jack Dempsey fish (Rocio octofasciata). These brutes pack a powerful combination of…
Did you know that the Bolivian ram cichlid, also known as Bolivian butterfly, is a peaceful and colorful fish that…
Look no further than rasboras, if you are seek to add a touch of vibrant beauty and tranquility as you…
Whether you know them as corydoras, corys, or cory cats, odds are you’ve admired these little catfish in the pet…
Aquariums serve essential functions, and not just for aquarists. Sitting back and watching colorful fish dart around a tank lowers…
Red tail sharks (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) are one of the Cyprinids, labeled as a freshwater shark based on their appearance. They…
Did you know that mollies, those gorgeous and easy-to-care-for fish, are part of the same genus as guppies, platies, and…