In the wild, brackish water conditions occur where freshwater streams or rivers meet coastal saltwater. The result is a mix…
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You have added aquarium snails to control algae and help keep the tank clean, but now you are noticing small,…
Aquarists often admire the lip-locking behavior of kissing gouramis (Helostoma temminckii). Often misinterpreted by the general public as a sign…
When it comes to popular invertebrates, you can’t go wrong with saltwater shrimp. These little crustaceans span the spectrum in…
Are you searching for an easy-to-care-for freshwater fish? Look no further than the White Cloud Mountain minnow! This charming fish…
No doubt about it: putting together a saltwater aquarium is an exciting project! There are so many choices to make:…
If you’ve dreamed of creating a vibrant display within your freshwater aquarium, you couldn’t ask for better than Congo tetras…
Whether you know them as Oranda goldfish or red caps, odds are you’ve considered adding these fancy goldfish to your…
You have put too much work and money into creating a beautiful outdoor pond or water garden to let algae…
Ram cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) make popular alternatives for aquarists who love cichlids but don’t have a lot of tank space.…