With semi-transparent bodies and glowing red lines, glowlight tetras are beautiful freshwater fish that make a mesmerizing addition to any…
Browsing: Freshwater
People love cichlids. And a tremendous varietca comes from the African Rift Lakes – also known as the African Great…
As their name suggests, jewel cichlids are both strikingly beautiful and, well, cichlids. This means that a sparkling flash of…
The diamond tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri) is a small freshwater fish in the characin family and is native to South America. …
Of all the tetra fish, the Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus) is perhaps one of the most unique and often studied…
What is the appeal of the zebra danio? Simplicity. This breed is simple to care for, hardy and tolerant, peaceful and…
The kribensis cichlid is different, without a doubt. Known as the rainbow cichlid, this fish features lovely coloration, is highly…
The keyhole cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) is a tropical freshwater fish with an interesting keyhole-shaped marking and a gentle personality that…
Just say the word “shark,” and you immediately imagine the sleek, powerful predator. Even reading the title to this article,…
The emerald dwarf rasbora (Microrasbora erythromicron) is a diminutive, brightly colored freshwater fish that hails from a mountain lake in…