If you are looking for a pair of ideal tank mates, look no further than the neon tetra and ember…
Browsing: Tetra
The x-ray tetra is one of two species in the Pristella genus and was first identified in 1894. True to…
The tiny darts of color that neon tetras bring to the tank make them immensely popular for beginning and seasoned…
With semi-transparent bodies and glowing red lines, glowlight tetras are beautiful freshwater fish that make a mesmerizing addition to any…
The diamond tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri) is a small freshwater fish in the characin family and is native to South America. …
Of all the tetra fish, the Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus) is perhaps one of the most unique and often studied…
There is a myriad of tetra species that you can choose to keep, but there are few as classy and…
Shimmering, small, and sporting a sleek streamline, the emperor tetra dances around the tank in darting motions. Light plays off…
If you’ve dreamed of creating a vibrant display within your freshwater aquarium, you couldn’t ask for better than Congo tetras…
The serpae tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques) is a strikingly colored member of the Characidae family. This freshwater fish is an aquarium…