Seahorses are known for their majestic and striking nature. They’re a special kind of fish with beautiful aesthetics and big…
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If you’re looking for a new type of aquarium challenge, I suggest a blackwater aquarium! Blackwater? You may be thinking…
If you have a stroke of bad luck, you may wind up with cyanobacteria in your planted tank. You may have heard of this microorganism under the names Blue-Green Algae or Blue-Green Slime. Despite some …
Bottom-feeding fish are excellent both as a single species and to add interest to the lower levels of the water…
Protein skimmers are considered a must-have component of any reef aquarium. In nature organic substances are recycled or flushed into deeper water. Since we can’t continually flood our reef tanks with newly-made saltwater, the organics …
For many aquarists, upgrading to a canister filter is an exciting step up from a hang-on-the-back power filter. External power filters are much smaller and have less-sophisticated filtration and flow control. They’re easier to set …
Adding rocks to an aquarium serves several purposes and can enhance both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the aquarium.…
So the time has come, your underwater friend has met its end. Every fishkeeper dreads the day they lose one of their beloved fish. It happens to us all. However, one question that we never …
Beloved for their expressive faces and playful interactions, puffer fish are eye-catching additions to home aquariums. Worldwide, there are more…
Fish are the focus for many aquariums, what about the humble crab? These little guys are not only fun to…